Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Swami Birajanandaji in 'Parmarth Prasanga
"Hope is life. Hope is the source of all strength and effort. If hope is given up, one suffers
agonies of death, becomes dead though living. Cling to hope till the last breath. Never, till death comes, give up the hope of realising God. If He so wills, He may shower His grace upon you at any time. Have this faith that He may perchance reveal Himself to you even at
the last moment." ......Swami Birajanandaji in 'Parmarth Prasanga - Faith and Love for God'
Join and explore the group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/sriramakrishnabhab/
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
"When one realizes God, He grants knowledge and illumination from within; one knows it oneself. In the fullness of one’s spiritual realization one will find that He who resides in one’s heart, resides in the hearts of others as well - the oppressed, the persecuted, the untouchable, and the outcast."....HOLY MOTHER
JOIN HERE:https://www.facebook.com/groups/sriramakrishnabhab/
"To succeed, you must have tremendous
perseverance, tremendous will. "I will drink the ocean," says the
persevering soul, "at my will mountains will crumble up." Have that
sort of energy, that sort of will, work hard, and you will reach the goal."..... Swami Vivekananda
"This is the gist of all worship -- to be pure and to do well to others. He who sees Siva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Siva, and if he sees Siva only in the image, his worship is but preliminary. He who has served and helped one poor man seeing Siva in him, without thinking of his cast, creed, or race, or anything, with him Siva is more pleased than with the man who sees Him only in temples.”… Swami Vivekananda
(To Mahima) "You explain
'Aum' with reference to 'a', 'u', and 'm' only."
Mahima: "'A', 'u', and 'm' mean creation, preservation, and
Master: "But I give the illustration of the sound of a gong:
'tom', t-o-m. It is the merging of the Lila in the Nitya: the gross, the
subtle, and the causal merge in the Great Cause; waking, dream, and deep sleep
merges in Turiya. The striking of the gong is like the falling of a heavy
weight into a big ocean. Waves begin to rise: the Relative rises from the
Absolute; the causal, subtle, and gross bodies appear out of the Great Cause;
from Turiya emerge the states of deep sleep, dream, and waking. These waves
arising from the Great Ocean merge again in the Great Ocean. From the Absolute
to the Relative, and from the Relative to the Absolute. Therefore I give the
illustration of the gong's sound, 'tom'. I have clearly perceived all these
things. It has been revealed to me that there exists an Ocean of Consciousness
without limit. From It come all things of the relative plane, and in It they
merge again."
-- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Monday, May 23, 2016
Some messages of Sri Ramakrishna
"There is no use in merely making a noise if you want to establish the Deity in the shrine of your heart, if you want to realize God. First of all purify the mind. In the pure heart God takes His seat. One cannot bring the holy image into the temple if the droppings of bats are all around. The eleven bats are our eleven organs: five of action, five of perception, and the mind.
"First of all invoke the Deity, and then give lectures to your heart's content. First of all dive deep. Plunge to the bottom and gather up the gems. Then you may do other things. But nobody wants to plunge. People are without spiritual discipline and prayer, without renunciation and dispassion. They learn a few words and immediately start to deliver lectures. It is difficult to teach others. Only if a man gets a command from God, after realizing Him, is he entitled to teach."
"First of all invoke the Deity, and then give lectures to your heart's content. First of all dive deep. Plunge to the bottom and gather up the gems. Then you may do other things. But nobody wants to plunge. People are without spiritual discipline and prayer, without renunciation and dispassion. They learn a few words and immediately start to deliver lectures. It is difficult to teach others. Only if a man gets a command from God, after realizing Him, is he entitled to teach."
"There is no use in merely making a
noise if you want to establish the Deity in the shrine of your heart, if you
want to realize God. First of all purify the mind. In the pure heart God takes
His seat. One cannot bring the holy image into the temple if the droppings of
bats are all around. The eleven bats are our eleven organs: five of action,
five of perception, and the mind.
"First of all invoke the Deity, and
then give lectures to your heart's content. First of all dive deep. Plunge to
the bottom and gather up the gems. Then you may do other things. But nobody
wants to plunge. People are without spiritual discipline and prayer, without
renunciation and dispassion. They learn a few words and immediately start to
deliver lectures. It is difficult to teach others. Only if a man gets a command
from God, after realizing Him, is he entitled to teach."
Sri Ramakrishna: "With the
realization of Satchidānanda one goes into samādhi. Then duties drop away.
Suppose I have been talking about the ostad and he arrives. What need is there
of talking about him then? How long does the bee buzz around? So long as it
isn't sitting on a flower. But it will not do for the sadhaka to renounce
duties. He should perform his duties, such as worship,japa, meditation,
prayer, and pilgrimage."
Sri Ramakrishna:"You may say that there are many
errors and superstitions in another religion. I should reply: Suppose there
are. Every religion has errors. Everyone thinks that his watch alone gives the
correct time. It is enough to have yearning for God. It is enough to love Him
and feel attracted to Him: Don't you know that God is the Inner Guide? He sees
the longing of our heart and the yearning of our soul. Suppose a man has
several sons. The older boys address him distinctly as 'Baba' or 'Papa', but
the babies can at best call him 'Ba' or 'Pa'. Now, will the father be angry
with those who address him in this indistinct way? The father knows that they
too are calling him, only they cannot pronounce his name well. All children are
the same to the father. Likewise, the devotees call on God alone, though by
different names. They call on one Person only. God is one, but His names are
Sri Ramakrishna: "The blossom drops off when
the fruit appears. One doesn't have to do one's duty after the attainment of
God, nor does one feel like doing it then. "If a drunkard takes too much
liquor he cannot retain consciousness. If he takes only two or three glasses,
he can goon with his work. As you advance nearer and nearer to God, He will
reduce your activities little by little. Have no fear.
শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের কিছু বাণী
শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ বলতেনঃ " যে ঠিক ভক্ত, তার কাছে হাজার বেদান্ত বিচার কর,আর স্বপ্নবৎ বল তার ভক্তি যাবার নয়। ফিরে ঘুরে একটু খানি থাকবেই...। জ্ঞান বিচারের পর এই প্রেম ভক্তি যদি কমে যায়,আবার এক সময় হু হু করে বেড়ে যায়; যদুবংশ ধ্বংস করেছিল মুষল, তারই মতো।
শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ বলতেনঃ "কারুকে, কোন
মতকে বিদ্বেষ করতে নাই। নিরাকারাবাদী,সাকারবাদী সকলেই তাঁর দিকে
যাচ্ছে, জ্ঞানী, যোগী, ভক্ত
সকলেই তাঁকে খুঁজছে, জ্ঞানপথের লোক তাঁকে বলে ব্রহ্ম, যোগীরা
বলে আত্মা, পরমাত্মা।ভক্তেরা বলে ভগবান, আবার
আছে যে, নিত্য ঠাকুর, নিত্য
শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ বলতেনঃ “একটা
পথ দিয়ে ঠিক যেতে পারলে তাঁর খাছে পৌঁছানো যায়। তখন সব পথের খবর জানতে পারে। যেমন
একবার কোন উপায়ে ছাদে উঠতে পারলে, কাঠের সিঁড়ি
দিয়াও নামা যায়; পাকা সিঁড়ি
দিয়াও নামা যায়; একটা বাঁশ
দিয়াও নামা যায়; একটা দড়ি
দিয়াও নামা যায়”
শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ বলতেনঃ “কোন কামনা-বাসনা রাখতে নাই। কামনা-বাসনা থাকলে সকাম ভক্তি বলে! নিষ্কাম
ভক্তিকে বলে অহেতুকী ভক্তি। তুমি ভালবাসো আর নাই বাসো, তবু
তোমাকে ভালবাসি। এর নাম অহেতুকী।”
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Prakritim paramam abhayam varadam,
nararupa-dharam janatapa-haram
Sharana-gata sevaka-toshakarim, pranamami
param jananim jagatam.
Gunahina-sutanaparadha-yutan, kripayadya
samuddhara moha-gatan
Taranim bhava-sagara parakarim, pranamami
param jananim jagatam.
Vishayam kusumam parihritya sada,
charanam buruhamrita shanti-sudham
Piba bhringa-mano bhavaroga-haram, pranamami
param jananim jagatam.
Kripam kuru mahadevi suteshu pranateshu
Charana-shraya danena kripa-mayi namo'stu
Lajja-patavrite nityam sarade
Papebhyo nah sada raksha kripa-mayi
namo'stu te.
Ramakrishna-gata pranam
Tadbhava-ranjita-karam pranamami
Pavitram charitam yasyah pavitram jivanam
Pavitrata-svarupinyai tasyai kurmo namo
Devim prasannam pranatarti-hantrim,
Yogindra-pujyam yugadharma-patrim
Tam Saradam
bhakti-vijnana-datrim,daya-svarupam pranamami nityam.
Snehena badhnasi mano'smadiyam,
doshan-aseshan saguni-karoshi
Ahetuna no dayase sadoshan, svamke
grihitva yadidam vichitram.
Prasida matar vinayena yache, nityam
bhava snehavati suteshu
Premaika bindum chiradagdha-chitte,vishincha
chittam kuru nah sushantam.
Jananim Saradam devim Ramakrishnam
Padapadme tayoh shritva pranamami
শ্রী সারদাদেবীর ধ্যান
শ্রীসারদাদেবীর ধ্যান
ধ্যায়েদ্ হৃৎকমলাসনে সুখাসীনাং কৃপাময়ীং।
প্রসন্নবদনাং দেবীং দ্বিভুজাং স্থিরলোচনাং।।
আলুলায়িতকেশার্দ্ধ-বক্ষঃ স্থলাভিমন্ডিতাং।
শ্বেতবস্ত্রাবৃতার্দ্ধাঙ্গাং হেমালঙ্কার ভূষিতাং।।
স্বক্রোড়ন্যস্থস্তাঞ্চ জ্ঞান-ভক্তি-প্রদায়িনীং।
শুভ্রজ্যোতির্ম্ময়ীং জীব-পাপসন্তাপহারিণীং।।
রামকৃষ্ণগত-প্রানাং তন্নামশ্রবণপ্রিয়াং।
তদ্ভাবরঞ্জিতাকারাং জগন্মাতা স্বরূপিণীং।।
জানকীরাধিকারূপ-ধারিণীং সর্ব্বমঙ্গলাং।
চিন্ময়ী বরদাং নিত্যাং সারদাং মোক্ষদায়িণীং।।
স্বামী অভেদানন্দ
হ্রীং ঋতং ত্বমচলো গুণজিৎ গুণেড্যঃ
ন-ক্তন্দিবং সকরুণং তব পাদপদ্মম্।
মো-হঙ্কষং বহুকৃতং ন ভজে যতোহহং
তস্মাত্ত্বমেব শরণং মম দীনবন্ধো! ১ ৷৷
ভ-ক্তির্ভগশ্চ ভজনং ভবভেদকারি
গ-চ্ছন্ত্যলং সুবিপুলং গমনায় তত্ত্বম্।
ব-ক্তোদ্ধৃতন্তু হৃদি মে ন চ ভাতি কিঞ্চিৎ
তস্মাত্ত্বমেব শরণং মম দীনবন্ধো! ২ ৷৷
তে-জস্তরন্তি ত্বরসা ত্বয়ি তৃপ্ততৃষ্ণাঃ
রা-গে কৃতে ঋতপথে ত্বয়ি রামকৃষ্ণে।
ম-র্ত্যামৃতং তব পদং মরণোর্মিনাশং
তস্মাত্ত্বমেব শরণং মম দীনবন্ধো! ৩ ৷৷
কৃ-ত্যং করোতি কলুষং কুহকান্তকারি
ষ্ণা-ন্তং শিবং সুবিমলং তব নাম নাথ।
য-স্মাদহং ত্বশরণো জগদেকগম্য
তস্মাত্ত্বমেব শরণং মম দীনবন্ধো ।। ৪ ৷৷
ওঁ স্থাপকায় চ ধর্মস্য সর্বধর্মস্বরুপিণে।
ন-ক্তন্দিবং সকরুণং তব পাদপদ্মম্।
মো-হঙ্কষং বহুকৃতং ন ভজে যতোহহং
তস্মাত্ত্বমেব শরণং মম দীনবন্ধো! ১ ৷৷
ভ-ক্তির্ভগশ্চ ভজনং ভবভেদকারি
গ-চ্ছন্ত্যলং সুবিপুলং গমনায় তত্ত্বম্।
ব-ক্তোদ্ধৃতন্তু হৃদি মে ন চ ভাতি কিঞ্চিৎ
তস্মাত্ত্বমেব শরণং মম দীনবন্ধো! ২ ৷৷
তে-জস্তরন্তি ত্বরসা ত্বয়ি তৃপ্ততৃষ্ণাঃ
রা-গে কৃতে ঋতপথে ত্বয়ি রামকৃষ্ণে।
ম-র্ত্যামৃতং তব পদং মরণোর্মিনাশং
তস্মাত্ত্বমেব শরণং মম দীনবন্ধো! ৩ ৷৷
কৃ-ত্যং করোতি কলুষং কুহকান্তকারি
ষ্ণা-ন্তং শিবং সুবিমলং তব নাম নাথ।
য-স্মাদহং ত্বশরণো জগদেকগম্য
তস্মাত্ত্বমেব শরণং মম দীনবন্ধো ।। ৪ ৷৷
ওঁ স্থাপকায় চ ধর্মস্য সর্বধর্মস্বরুপিণে।
অবতারবরিষ্ঠায় রামকৃষ্ণায় তে নমঃ।।
ওঁ নমঃ শ্রীভগবতে রামকৃষ্ণায় নমো নমঃ।
ওঁ নমঃ শ্রীভগবতে রামকৃষ্ণায় নমো নমঃ।
ওঁ নমঃ শ্রীভগবতে রামকৃষ্ণায় নমো নমঃ।
Saturday, May 21, 2016
It was the great Buddha, who never cared for the duelist gods, and who has been called an atheist and materialist, who yet was ready to give up his body for a poor goat. That Man set in motion the high¬est moral ideas any nation can have. When¬ever there is a moral code, it is ray of light from that Man. We can¬not force the great hearts of the world into narrow limits, and keep them there, especially at this time in the history of humanity when there is a degree of intellectual development such as was never dreamed of even a hundred years ago, when a wave of scientific knowledge has arisen which nobody, even fifty years ago, would have dreamed of. By trying to force people into narrow limits you degrade them into animals and unthinking masses. You kill their moral life. What is now wanted is a combination of the greatest heart with the highest intellectuality , of infinite love with infinite knowledge. The Vedantist gives no other attributes to God except these three—that He is Infinite Existence, Infinite Knowledge, and Infinite Bliss, and he regards these three as One. Existence with¬out knowledge and love can¬not be; knowledge with¬out love and love without knowledge cannot be. What we want is the harmony of Existence, Knowledge, and Bliss Infinite. For that is our goal. We want harmony, not one-sided development. And it is possible to have the intellect of a Shankara with the heart of a Buddha.
Buddha was a great Vedantist (for Buddhism was really only an off¬shoot of Vedanta), and Shankara is often called a “hid¬den Buddhist.” Buddha made the analysis, Shankara made the syn¬the¬sis out of it. Buddha never bowed down to anything—neither Veda, nor caste, nor priest, nor custom. He fearlessly reasoned so far as reason could take him. Such a fearless search for truth and such love for every living thing the world has never seen. Buddha was the Washington of the religious world; he conquered a throne only to give it to the world, as Washington did to the Amercan people. He sought nothing for himself.
Look at Buddha’s heart! Ever ready to give his own life to save the life of even a kid—what to speak of “bahujana hitāya bhahujana sukhāya—for the welfare of the many, for the happiness of the many”! See, what a large heartedness—what a compassion! … What was there in this country before Buddha’s advent? Only a number of religious principles recorded on bundles of palm leaves—and those too known only to a few. It was Lord Buddha who brought them down to the practical field and showed how to apply them in the every¬day life of the people. In a sense, he was the living embodiment of true Vedanta.
From The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
Buddha was a great Vedantist (for Buddhism was really only an off¬shoot of Vedanta), and Shankara is often called a “hid¬den Buddhist.” Buddha made the analysis, Shankara made the syn¬the¬sis out of it. Buddha never bowed down to anything—neither Veda, nor caste, nor priest, nor custom. He fearlessly reasoned so far as reason could take him. Such a fearless search for truth and such love for every living thing the world has never seen. Buddha was the Washington of the religious world; he conquered a throne only to give it to the world, as Washington did to the Amercan people. He sought nothing for himself.
Look at Buddha’s heart! Ever ready to give his own life to save the life of even a kid—what to speak of “bahujana hitāya bhahujana sukhāya—for the welfare of the many, for the happiness of the many”! See, what a large heartedness—what a compassion! … What was there in this country before Buddha’s advent? Only a number of religious principles recorded on bundles of palm leaves—and those too known only to a few. It was Lord Buddha who brought them down to the practical field and showed how to apply them in the every¬day life of the people. In a sense, he was the living embodiment of true Vedanta.
From The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
Sunday, May 15, 2016
শ্রী রামকৃষ্ণ ধ্যান
শ্রী রামকৃষ্ণ ধ্যান
‘ওঁ হৃদয়-কমল-মধ্যে,রাজিতং নির্ব্বিকল্পং,
প্রকৃতি-বিকৃতি-শূন্যং, নিত্যমানন্দমূর্ত্তিং
বিমল পরমহংসং রামকৃষ্ণং ভজামঃ।।
নিরুপমতি সূক্ষ্ণং নিষ্প্রপঞ্চং নিরীহং,
ত্রিগুণরহিতসচ্চিদ, ব্রহ্মরূপং বরেণ্যং
বিমল পরমহংসং রামকৃষ্ণং ভজামঃ।।
বিতরিতুমবর্তীণং, জ্ঞানভক্তিপ্রশান্তিঃ
প্রণয়গলিতচিত্তং, জীবদুঃখাসহিষ্ণু।
ধৃতসহজসমাধিং, চিন্ময়ং কোমলাঙ্গং,
বিমল পরমহংসং রামকৃষ্ণং ভজামঃ।
স্বামী অভেদানন্দ
Saturday, May 14, 2016
"মুখে আমরা বলি, ঠাকুর স্বামীজী এলেন, তবু দেশের এরূপ অধোগতি হচ্ছে। কিন্তু সত্যি কি আমরা ঠাকুর-স্বামীজী কে ধরেছি? তাঁদের আশ্রয় প্রার্থনা করেছি?কক্ষনো নয়। ঈশ্বর বেইমান নন। তুমি যদি ঠিক ঠিক ডাকতে পারো, তিনি নিশ্চয় সাড়া দেবেন।"...স্বামী ওঙ্কারানন্দজী মহারাজ
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Sri Ramakrishna (with a smile): "Do you know my attitude? Books, scriptures, and things like that only point out the way to reach God. After finding the way, what more need is there of books and scriptures? Then comes the time for action.
"A man received a letter from home informing him that certain presents were to be sent to his relatives. The names of the articles were given in the letter. Ashe was about to go shopping for them, he found that the letter was missing. He began anxiously to search for it, several others joining in the search. For a long time they continued to search. When at last the letter was discovered, his joy knew no bounds.
With great eagerness he opened the letter and read it. It said that he was to buy five seers of sweets, a piece of cloth, and a few other things. Then he did not need the letter any more, for it had served its purpose. Putting it aside, he went out to buy the things. How long is such a letter necessary? As long as its contents are not known. When the contents are known one proceeds to carry out the directions.
"In the scriptures you will find the way to realize God. But after getting all the information about the path, you must begin to work. Only then can you attain your goal.
"What will it avail a man to have mere scholarship? A pundit may have studied many scriptures, he may recite many sacred texts, but if he is still attached to the world and if inwardly he loves 'woman and gold', then he has not assimilated the contents of the scriptures. For such a man the study of scriptures is futile.
"The almanac forecasts the rainfall tor the year. You may squeeze the book, but you won't get a drop of water — not even a single drop." (Laughter.)
[ "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna" ]
"A man received a letter from home informing him that certain presents were to be sent to his relatives. The names of the articles were given in the letter. Ashe was about to go shopping for them, he found that the letter was missing. He began anxiously to search for it, several others joining in the search. For a long time they continued to search. When at last the letter was discovered, his joy knew no bounds.
With great eagerness he opened the letter and read it. It said that he was to buy five seers of sweets, a piece of cloth, and a few other things. Then he did not need the letter any more, for it had served its purpose. Putting it aside, he went out to buy the things. How long is such a letter necessary? As long as its contents are not known. When the contents are known one proceeds to carry out the directions.
"In the scriptures you will find the way to realize God. But after getting all the information about the path, you must begin to work. Only then can you attain your goal.
"What will it avail a man to have mere scholarship? A pundit may have studied many scriptures, he may recite many sacred texts, but if he is still attached to the world and if inwardly he loves 'woman and gold', then he has not assimilated the contents of the scriptures. For such a man the study of scriptures is futile.
"The almanac forecasts the rainfall tor the year. You may squeeze the book, but you won't get a drop of water — not even a single drop." (Laughter.)
[ "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna" ]
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